100 Facts About Me



Updated: 04/05/19

  1. My name is Kerrian. It is pronounced ‘keh+ree+ ann’.
  2. My favorite color is teal.
  3. I have a gross obsession with collecting stationery.
  4. My love for Sailor MoonThe Legend of Zelda, and Final Fantasy is boundless.
  5. I dislike eye contact.
  6. I am known for being quiet, joking a lot, and having a hidden temper.
  7. I have a potty mouth. You don’t need to tell me what I already know.
  8. I love all storms (rain storms, thunderstorms, snow storms, etc.).
  9. I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York.
  10. I love to learn new things, but mostly on my own accord and on my own schedule.
  11. If I could I would eat bibimbap every single day.
  12. My musical deities: Koji Kondo, Yoko Shimomura, Yoko Kanno, Hans Zimmer, Jesper Kyd, John Williams, Howard Shore, Masashi Hamauzu, Nobuo Uematsu, and Keiichi Okabe. Absolute GODS.
  13. I love dragons so much. Also, I can relate to them 100% because I love pretty stuff, I eat a lot then sleeps forever, and I get ultra-pissed when someone wakes me up.
  14. I’m a first-generation American (both of my parents immigrated from Jamaica).
  15. I will find humor in most things.
  16. I am in love with Dungeons and Dragons.
  17. I don’t like being touched.
  18. I believe that adults who leave their trash in public spaces meant for everyone should be flogged.
  19. Having nothing to do with my hands drives me nuts.
  20. I have two sisters, one brother, and two half-siblings (possibly more from what I’ve been told. I never know~).
  21. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, together since March 2003 and married since September 2009.
  22. We have one kid, Luna, who was born June 2018.
  23. I have a cat named Link (born June 2009). Yes, that is a Zelda reference.
  24. I have anemia.
  25. I am terrified of roaches and waterbugs.
  26. I prefer cats over dogs but I still love dogs.
  27. I have no religion but I love to read about Buddhism and Shintoism.
  28. I am fond of things like astrology, personality tests, IQ tests, etc. but it’s just for fun. If you stand on your soapbox and start lecturing me about how fake they all are I will kick you the fuck off. Let people have fun and shut up. ^^
  29. Therapy is one of the best decisions I ever made. If I ever take over the world (LOL) I want to make therapy free and accessible to everyone because being a human is tough. Everyone needs guidance.
  30. I have a soft spot for musicals and sing-alongs.
  31. I’ve been in the newspaper twice for art-related reasons: once for this random art contest I won and another time for my art class making murals.
  32. Socialization makes me anxious, so if I’m distant it’s mostly me and rarely you.
  33. I have great hand-eye coordination but horrendous foot-eye coordination.
  34. My dominant hand is my right hand, but I can draw and write like a five year old with my left hand.
  35. My brother got me into playing video games and drawing when I was five, and I haven’t stopped since.
  36. I am allergic to nickel and certain other metals. At the moment only sterling silver jewelry doesn’t make my skin itchy.
  37. I’m obsessed with video game soundtracks.
  38. If it is too hot I will break out into heat rashes.
  39. I am attempting to learn Japanese, German, and Sign Language.
  40. Ideal date locations: museums, aquariums, and bookstores.
  41. I met Snoop Dogg and Nate Dogg with my family a long time ago in Manhattan, NY. Obviously, this was before Nate Dogg passed away. Anyway, it was like after midnight at a McDonalds and they were really cool about giving everyone autographs while they waited for their food.
  42. I love to cook and learn new recipes.
  43. I like to collect pictures of nature, clothes, and anything else that looks fascinating.
  44. Back when Pepper-Ann was a big deal my classmates called me Pepper-Ann for the entire school year and I had to hear the theme song nonstop. The good ol’ days. :’)
  45. When I was a kid I thought everyone turned into aliens when I turned my back, so I carried around a compact mirror and tried to catch people mid-transformation.
  46. My dream world would be an underwater forest.
  47. I dislike opening up about my feelings or opinions on the spot. Give me time.
  48. I hate driving.
  49. I’ve been a fan of WWE (once WWF) for a huge chunk of my life. I have a tendency to abandon it for years then come back later when there’s something interesting going on.
  50. I love, love, love lily of the valley flowers.
  51. Three things I usually cannot turn down: tea, coffee, and sushi.
  52. I often search for anagrams in the words around me.
  53. I enjoy helping others.
  54. I went without meat for four months as a challenge. Kinda surprised myself there.
  55. I can’t sleep if there is an open door in my line of sight.
  56. Guilty pleasure: really bad movies.
  57. I am a major fan of James Bond. My favorite Bond is Timothy Dalton.
  58. I am obsessed with puzzles and mysteries.
  59. My favorite flavor is pumpkin.
  60. I love Journey to the West and all things Sun Wukong related.
  61. I am often a sympathetic crier.
  62. I tend to abandon things I can’t win and then beat it easily when I return. It’s a weird pattern that keeps happening.
  63. I despise solicitors. I don’t want to buy your shit. Leave me alone. =_=
  64. I tend to be extremely lucky or extremely unlucky.
  65. I prefer to have my hair short.
  66. Certain textures and sounds make me nauseous.
  67. The best gifts are those gift sets of food, lotions, soaps, etc. Gimme, gimme~
  68. I have a short-temper but it is mostly implosive.
  69. I love seashells and conchs.
  70. I love Tarsem Singh, Mel Brooks, and Christopher Nolan movies.
  71.  I don’t entertain troublemakers. You will be flat out ignored every time.
  72. I bite my lips, cross my arms, and put my hands on my hips a lot.
  73. I must sleep with my blanket or sheet tucked beneath my feet.
  74. My long-term memory is impeccable. My short-term memory is pathetic. In other words, I’ll remember something super specific that happened ten years ago (usually because it had a deep impact on me), but I won’t remember something you told me to do ten minutes ago.
  75. I enjoy classifying random acts into D&D alignments.
  76. I really love operas.
  77. I’m a very light sleeper.
  78. Just about everyone looks better in glasses to me.
  79. The sound of thumping aggravates me.
  80. I am not comfortable with neediness (outside of my kid, of course).
  81. I prefer laid-back relationships. If you have a long checklist of what I need to be or do just to hang out with you then bye. Don’t got that type of energy.
  82. Favorite talking topics: hobbies, fandoms, funny stories, and rants.
  83. I have no interest in associating with bigoted people. No one cares about what book you read or how you were raised. Innocent people don’t deserve your narrow-minded shit for existing.
  84. I am love the violin, oboe, and ocarina.
  85. I do not have a single fashion style. I like all types of clothing.
  86. I smoked for like 13 years and then I quit cold turkey the moment I found out I was pregnant with Luna. I have not smoked a cigarette since then. Go me~
  87. I can’t really think of a genre of music that I absolutely hate. There are gems everywhere if you look hard enough.
  88. I’m obsessed with coconut oil. It fixes everything.
  89. I prefer to do things on my own. If I ask for help I can guarantee you that I am ashamed of it.
  90. I am terrible at returning messages on time. Sorry. I’m just not a phone person outside of collecting ideas on note apps, tumblr, and otome games.
  91. Halloween is my favorite holiday.
  92. I like to make music playlists for everything.
  93. I love polearms.
  94. The quickest way to make me hate you is to say that I’m not allowed to enjoy something because of my race, gender, age, beliefs, etc. Go eat a dick.
  95. Nothing cheers me up like a long, hot shower.
  96. I used to practice karate (Isshinryu).
  97. I want to go to three places before I die: Tokyo, New Zealand, and London.
  98. My favorite voice actors: Mary Elizabeth McGlynn and Jamieson Price.
  99. My favorite mode of transportation is by train.
  100. Don’t let my stern, harsh exterior fool you. I’m a big ol’ teddy bear. 🐻
